Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just to share with you guys... some techniques of photo shooting.. I've tried some which I learned from magazine... Its not really difficult... just play around with angle of shooting, geometry of objects, lighting, speed of shutter and apertures..
hope you love some of these...


Anonymous said...

nice shot brother... can you tell me the address of website? I want to learn that.... hmm so hows your life in Korea? Interesting huh..

roslanae said...

aku pon dah ader eblog so masukla...

roslanae said...

mcm pernah lihat gambar2 tu semua tapi dimana yek!!!
anyway nice shot.....
but appreciate if u put gambar kat air tu lagi cantik.... u can use my photo.....hahahhaha

ME said...

beautiful, splendid nature... simply amusing...

Anonymous said...

ek eleh alin..... dia plak ajar kite... heheh...