For the past year, I have never put any attempt or interest to even look at this so called sudoku..I know that it has been around for like a year.. ye ker.. not really sure but somehow I noticed this game being everywhere inside newspaper and mags. Some idiots were trying to perah dia otak just to complete this number puzzle.. and for me it just a waste of time.. i met one guy on the plane and his so busy doing this and i dont even care.. haram tak best..
HOWEVER, last nite.. ntah apa yang rasuk kepala aku ntah.. I bought Mala* Ma*l and found that this thing at the end of the sections and I gave a godmn try..without knowing how at all.. I cracked my head and managed to setel that godmn numbers in 3hrs ++.. and that is actually dificulty level two... hahahaha.. akhirnye aku rasa pandai satu tahap... muah muah muah... today I tried again for diffiulty level three and managed 90%.. kire ok la for a start.. somehow I think this not so idiot game is so good man.. once its done, the satisfaction is sooo good.. better try u idiot out there...