For the past year, I have never put any attempt or interest to even look at this so called sudoku..I know that it has been around for like a year.. ye ker.. not really sure but somehow I noticed this game being everywhere inside newspaper and mags. Some idiots were trying to perah dia otak just to complete this number puzzle.. and for me it just a waste of time.. i met one guy on the plane and his so busy doing this and i dont even care.. haram tak best..
HOWEVER, last nite.. ntah apa yang rasuk kepala aku ntah.. I bought Mala* Ma*l and found that this thing at the end of the sections and I gave a godmn try..without knowing how at all.. I cracked my head and managed to setel that godmn numbers in 3hrs ++.. and that is actually dificulty level two... hahahaha.. akhirnye aku rasa pandai satu tahap... muah muah muah... today I tried again for diffiulty level three and managed 90%.. kire ok la for a start.. somehow I think this not so idiot game is so good man.. once its done, the satisfaction is sooo good.. better try u idiot out there...
Aku pun x penah try game nih hehehe. Rasa mcm malas je nak pecahkan otak main game nih hehehehe. Nantilah aku nak try main idiot game nih jugak heheh
takpe gie.. mula pun aku malas gak nak seksa mind aku.. tapi aku dgn sendirinye nak try.. mula2 mmg serabut.. tapi bile dah siap best pulak.. gile 2 jam lebih tu aku concentrate.. skang stgh jam pun dah boleh solve.. hehe.. try la..
ok nanti kau ajar aku la main sudoku nih heheh. kau access internet kat rumah ke? pakai USB modem ke? aku sampai skang x de internet kat rumah hehe. plan nak pakai USB modem, tapi rasa mcm bazir jugak.. baik pakai phone yg ada 3G/ HSDPA.. boleh conncet internet jugak thru PC.
cara main nyer macam ni.. ko kena penuhkan semua kotak2 tu ngan no. 1 sampai 9 melintang, menegak, turun, diagonal...tapi x leh ada 2 nombor yg sama dlm satu2 line tu...centu jer main nyer
hahah.. aku tak sempat nak ajar ko nik.. peter petrelli dah explain semua.. aku kat umah pakai broadband maxis wireless modem.. speed cam haram jer.. cuba ko check ngn zulman since dia pakai celcom nye bb.. kalau pakai maxis, nak load you tube nye video, 4 tahun baru abis load.. tahun kelima baru bley tgk.. maxis suck..
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